Agile Team Dynamics

Over 0 alumni trained

Master the art of teaming in government transformation

You want to develop yourself as an Agile team member or Agile facilitator. How to best collaborate and make your team a success? Learn how to form Agile teams, self-organise, solve problems together and communicate effectively.

Do you:

  • Have completed our Agile Master in Public Services and want to specialise as an Agile team member or Agile facilitator?
  • Belong to, or are about to join, a team working in an Agile way?
  • Want to understand what, and why, things can go wrong for your team?
  • Want to learn more about how a self-organising team works?

If yes, our Agile Team Dynamics course will teach you fantastic team forming and problem-solving techniques. Explore practical ways to improve how your team works together. To self-organise, solve problems and become more productive.

What’s included

  • Participation workbook
  • Lifetime access to course reference materials
  • Copy of all artefacts created during the course 
  • Certification after passing a short test
  • Membership of our Agile Community of Practice

Want to know more?

Do you have questions or would you like advice? Get in touch with Rebecca!

Rebecca - Consultant & Trainer


Inhouse training

Inhouse training (group)

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Course contents

Covering services you recognise, environments you work in, and terms you use, our training is tailored to the public and social sectors:

  1. Effective agile team principles
  2. Collaborative decision-making and problem solving
  3. Team working agreements and charters

Your benefits

Expert trainers for government transformation

Rebecca Roberts

Rebecca has over 25-years experience of delivering transformation and change projects in Public Services.

She uses her experience and knowledge to encourage innovation and fresh thinking amongst both leaders and frontline workers. Re-igniting their desires to design new and creative ways to meet customer needs.

Matt Barnaby

Matt has over 20 years’ experience in working in Public Services: Children’s Services, Education and Youth Work.

His energy, passion and expert facilitation allow him to support teams to achieve meaningful progress using an agile approach.

What the training gives you in practice

Thorough knowledge

Understand how to be part of an effective Agile team.

Assess your team

Reflect on your and your team’s actions and behaviour. And identify ways to improve.

More impact

Our Agile training equips your organisation to achieve better results, more social value, and crucially improve outcomes for your users.

Free community

Join our Agile community of practice with hundreds of members for free. To exchange experiences and keep your Agile knowledge up to date.

What our fans say

Proven success

Our courses are proudly accredited by the Public Service Transformation Academy

delegates from across the public and social sectors attended our Agile training programme.
0 +
of delegates report they feel confident enough to immediately apply Agile to their work.
0 %
of delegates continue to regularly use Agile in their work.
0 %
our big sister Basis been named as one of the UK’s top public and social sector management consultants by the Financial Times.
0 years

Organisations we train(ed)

Ready to book?​

How does booking and payment work?


You book on this website, or on our Eventbrite pages


You do not have to pay immediately


You will receive an invoice in the name of your organisation (if desired, with your order number)

It couldn’t be faster or easier!

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London and Cardiff
The Netherlands

Expert Training for
Government Transformation

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London and Cardiff
The Netherlands
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