Frequently asked questions

Yes, for inhouse courses, we can tailor content and case studies that best suit your needs.

We understand that occasionally things happen out of your control and you may need to cancel or postpone a course. In this event please could you email and we will do our best to help.

Please note that we do have standard terms and conditions and you can review these by clicking the button below.

Of course, please let us know when booking if you have any needs that we need to take into consideration. We typically like one of our trainers to chat with you in advance so that we understand how to make the training work for you.

It is not a “webinar”! You will be engaging in live conversations, solving problems and putting your learning into practice in a safe environment. It’s going to be fun and challenging in equal measure. 

This means you will need to:

  • Call from your own internet-connected device. One person, one device
  • Call from a quiet place, which is not shared with other participants on the call
  • Have a stable broadband internet connection
  • Turn your video camera on
  • Ideally use a headset or headphones 
  • All open courses use Zoom 

All online training is limited to 3.5 hours in any one go and you will take breaks every 50-55 minutes. 

You can pay for your course one of three ways:

  • Via PayPal
  • With a debit or credit card
  • Request an invoice

We use Eventbrite to process PayPal and card payments.

Yes, for some of our courses we offer ‘open’ courses where you can book a spot just for yourself. 

You can find all of our open courses here: Calendar – upcoming training dates

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You can also contact us directly with your questions. See our contact information.